World Heart Day: Because We Love Your Heart!

This year, the team at WholeLife are celebrating World Heart Day by presenting you with some heart healthy advice to pump you up all year long!  Did you know that Heart Disease takes 18.6 million lives a year and is the world’s leading cause of death?  Those stats are staggering, so we are grateful that the World Heart Federation has reserved a day to raise awareness around cardiovascular health!  The best thing any of us can do to celebrate World Heart Day is to implement our own plan to keep our tickers ticking!

Keep reading to learn more about steps you can take to increase your heart health.

 Pay attention to what you eat! 

Now, do we mean that you can NEVER have ice-cream or hot chips ever again?  Certainly not!  But making sure that most of your food intake is full of nutrients and healthy fats will set you up for a win and allow you to enjoy an occasional order of hot chips in moderation.

Foods containing healthy fats like avocados, nuts, seeds, and fish-along with fruits and vegetables, wholegrains, beans, yogurt, cheese and lean protein sources are scientifically recognised to reduce the risk of CVD (cardiovascular disease) when compared to fats, oils, salts and sweets.  Certain nut and seed oils are also considered heart healthy depending on how you use, cook with and eat them (we have included a link below for more information.)

You can also supplement your diet with multivitamins and minerals.  Adding a multivitamin such as Ethical Nutrients’ Super Multi Plus, a fibre supplement like MetaMucil, Omega-3 fatty acids,  or even Magnesium have been shown to help reduce the risk of heart disease.  Coenzyme Q10 helps protect your heart muscles and is a worthy addition to your heart care regimen.  Please consult your GP and a WholeLife Pharmacist before taking any supplements, as not all supplements are safe for individual cases.

 Get that body moving! 

Getting daily exercise is incredibly important to your cardiovascular health alongside a healthy and balanced diet.  It’s why they call it cardio right?  Moderate to high intensity exercise of at least 150 minutes every week along with weight bearing exercise has shown to reduce high blood pressure, improve blood flow in blood vessels, increases circulation, lower cholesterol, and help maintain a healthy weight.*  All of these benefits are linked to heart health and could decrease your risk of heart attack and stroke.

 Be a quitter! 

Usually we would say, don’t be a quitter, but when it comes to smoking-quitting is your best friend.  Smoking damages your blood vessels and clogs your arteries, making heart disease a serious and real side effect.  The best thing you can do for your health is take steps towards quitting smoking. Speak to your Whole Life Pharmacist about strategies to reduce your cigarette intake or quit altogether.  In the meantime, we have an ample supply of “quit smoking aids” like Nicorette to get you started.

 Lay back and relax! 

Excessive stress is a well-known factor to increase cortisol, blood pressure, heart rate, and negatively impact mental health-all of which can have a serious impact on your body and heart’s overall health.  Getting consistent sleep and taking time out to meditate, breathe, relax, pray, or take part in something that gives you joy, not only helps you deal with stress, but adds to your quality of life.

Many people find relief from stress by using essential oils like lavender and chamomile, sprinkling magnesium flakes in a warm bath, or drinking herbal teas.  At Whole Life, we have a wide variety of natural and homeopathic products to help you relax and unwind.  If you’re having trouble sleeping, speak to your WholeLife Pharmacy team about potential products and strategies to help you get a little more shut eye every night and to find peace and relaxation every day.

 Speak to your local WholeLife Pharmacist 

Our team at Whole Life are experts in helping you be the healthiest you can be!  Don’t hesitate to stop in and speak to one of our friendly Pharmacists about a heart healthy plan – visit as often as you need! We can’t wait to see you!

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