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The Power of Hemp Seed Oil


The sun sets earlier, the chill winds blow. Winter is coming! And you must prepare your skin for battle against the damaging and drying effects of the colder season. But what are the best products to protect us? Introducing Cannabella, the family-owned skincare brand with a mission to share the skin-saving benefits of organic hemp seed oil. Packed with nourishing botanical ingredients, these Australian made, plant-based products are a game-changer for all skin types.


Hemp seed oil is made from pressing the hemp seeds from Cannabis sativa, the non-drug variant of the marijuana plant which does not contain significant amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Cold pressed, unrefined hemp seed oil is revered by the science/health community for its naturally hydrating and skin-balancing properties, such as phytochemicals. It’s the new hero ingredient for skincare!


Here in Australia, the winter months bring dry winds and low humidity. Whether you experience acne, dryness, irritation, redness or dullness, these cold conditions do not help your skin-healing journey. Enter Hemp Jelly from Cannabella! This multi-purpose skin treatment is a hand-made balm that helps to heal, soothe and replenish.

Raw unfiltered hemp seed oil is combined with premium botanical ingredients to produce each pot of organic Cannabella Hemp Jelly. The formula is so fresh you can smell it! We’re talking about a perfect blend of shea butter, apricot, avocado–and the hero ingredient–organic hemp seed. Need a lip balm, an overnight face mask, some face cleanser? This plant-based healing balm has got you covered. Plus, it’s easy to apply. Use it to help recover from sunburn, rashes and windburn–your skin will thank you.


Is your skin craving a pick me up? Cannabella’s 100% botanical Clarify Serum offers a nourishing blast of healthy nutrients. Taking a closer look at the organic formula, we see a rich variety of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and fatty acids. Who would have thought watermelon seed (Citrullus Lanatus) oil was great for your complexion! The anti-inflammatory properties of Clarify Serum can assist in:

Cannabella suggests adding this unique blend of raw hemp seed oil and infused botanicals to your skin-care routine to help maintain a clear healthy complexion. Use 3 – 5 drops of the Clarify Serum on the back of your hand and apply to the forehead, cheeks, under-eye area before spreading evenly.

NO harmful chemicals, NO cruelty to animals, and NO crazy claims. Brownie points for Cannabella!

So, are you ready for new and improved skincare? Cannabella’s plant-powered products give you real, long-term results which speak for themselves.

Feature Image Via: Cannabella Skincare

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