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Raw Choc Mint Slice with Hemp Foods Australia

Rich and decadent but offset with a refreshing layer of minty goodness, this raw choc mint slice is perfectly balanced. It even includes a secret vegetable, and is packed with hemp seeds and hemp seed oil courtesy of Hemp Foods Australia. Delicious and packed full of hidden nutritional value, this slice is a real crowd-pleaser!

Hemp Foods Australia is a Byron Bay-based brand renowned for creating a beautiful range of products from hemp—a plant and herb with numerous nutritional benefits. Hemp seeds are abundant in protein, naturally gluten-free (unlike other forms of plant-based protein like soy), and rich in Omega 3 and 6 oils. They’re great for lowering cholesterol, promoting heart and skin health, and reducing pain and inflammation.

Try out Hemp Foods Australia’s hemp seeds and hemp seed oil in our delicious choc mint slice recipe below!






  1. Soak 1 cup of cashew nuts for the mint filling in a bowl of boiling water for 1 hour.
  2. Place your ½ cup of cashews for the base into a blender with the hazelnuts and desiccated coconut and blitz until mixture clumps together.
  3. Pour mixture into a bowl and add all other base ingredients. Stir well to combine.
  4. Line a loaf tin with baking paper and pour base mixture into the tin. Spread evenly with a spatula and place in the freezer to set.
  5. Drain the soaking cashew nuts and blend with all other mint filling ingredients until smooth. Pour mixture over the base ensuring it is evenly spread. Place in freezer until set.
  6. Melt dark chocolate and coconut oil over the stove, and pour over mint filling layer.
  7. Sprinkle hemp seeds and chopped pistachios over the dark chocolate and place in freezer to set.
  8. Slice into squares and enjoy!
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