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Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July is a movement that is very close to our heart and each and every one of us can be a part of the solution to minimise our plastic consumption so in turn we can have cleaner streets, oceans and communities. So, what can we do to help our planet? Plastic Free July is the perfect time to kick-start your continuous journey to switching from single-use plastics to biodegradable, reusable and compostable options. We’re here to give you some of our favourite plastic-free tips for home, shopping and when you’re on the go.


A little goes a long way when it comes to switching from single-use plastics to reusable items in the household.

Tip 1 – Switching your toothbrush

Did you know that annually we contribute to roughly 600 million kg of plastic toothbrush waste in only 365 days worldwide? That’s a LOT!

Go Bamboo is an amazing brand who range an array of sustainable products, one of them being their bamboo toothbrushes. Not only are their toothbrushes biodegradable and recyclable, but their packaging is also completely recyclable!

Tip 2 – Switching out your sanitary items

Sometimes we may forget that sanitary items including pads and tampons contribute to the mass waste that ends up in our landfills and takes thousands of years to degrade.

Pelvi, among other brands, are reinventing the wheel when it comes to sanitary items, offering reusable options which are safer for the environment. These include their reusable Menstrual Cups which can be used for up to 6 years and their Leakproof Underwear which can keep you protected for up to 12 hours and can simply be washed, dried and re-used!

Tip 3 – Buy refills when you can

Our first thought when our handwash or dishwashing liquid runs out is, “I’ve got to buy another one!” Wait one second. Refills are a game changer in reducing the amount of plastic we are putting back into landfill. Think of it this way, refilling the same handwash bottle is better than having to chuck out 10 of the same throughout the year!

Ecostore is a great example of a brand who have a phenomenal range of renewable and recyclable products, some of which are also refillable!

Tip 4 – No more cling wrap

Time to wrap it up on cling wrap and choose a more sustainable option!

Beeswax wraps are a must have in the WholeLife kitchen, as they last for a prolonged period of time, can help your food stay fresher for longer and they’re biodegradable. Apiwraps Beeswax wraps are one of our favourite brands which have a variety of wrap sizes to suit your kitchen needs.


Tip 1 – Reusable Bags

Cut out plastic bags at your next shopping trip by switching to reusable bags. We love EverEco and their range of organic tote bags which come in a range of sizes to fit all your groceries, fruit and veggies.

Tip 2 – Avoid those pesky individually wrapped products

Once you begin to notice that plastic is pretty much everywhere, it can get a little overwhelming. When doing your weekly shop, try and avoid wrapped products as much as you can. Instead of purchasing plastic-wrapped meats, cheeses, vegetables and fruit, try and get your produce from the deli or placing all your vegetables/fruit into your handy EverEco tote bag.

Another pesky item is kids school snacks like biscuits and chips which have around 15 packets in the one box. To try and minimise this unnecessary amount of plastic, try and bulk purchase the product and portion it into reusable containers. So instead of using 15 single-use plastic items, you’re only using one.


Tip 1 – Have a bottle of water on hand

I’m sure we’ve all been there where we were in dire need of some water and the only option was buying another plastic water bottle. Wherever you go, its best to be prepared for those dire times and bring a water bottle with you. We love the Cheeki Classic Insulated Bottles which will keep your water nice and cold and to top it off, they’re completely plastic-free.

Tip 2 – Reusable cutlery

Whenever you can, don’t forget to bring a reusable cutlery set when you’re on-the-go to avoid pesky single-use plastic cutlery that you receive with your takeaway! Ever Eco have a great range of sustainable cutlery sets which are perfect on-the-go like their Bamboo Cutlery Set + Chopsticks. Of course, we couldn’t forget about Ever Eco’s Stainless-Steel Straws which should also be an essential in your on-the-go cutlery kit.

TIP 3 – Bring your Keep Cup!

A morning coffee is an essential, however, think about all those plastic cups you could save by simply bringing your own cup that you can reuse! Cheeki’s reusable Coffee Mug is perfect for on-the-go if you’re wanting to make a coffee at home and take it somewhere or getting a coffee from your favourite café.

 Let us know your favourite sustainability tips via our Instagram @wholelifepharmacyandhealthfood or read more of our sustainability blogs here.

Feature Image Via: Ever Eco

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