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Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules vs Liquid

apple cider vinegar liquid vs capsules

There’s no denying Apple Cider Vinegar is a popular inclusion in many people’s daily health routine. It is said to have many benefits including aiding in lowering cholesterol, weight loss, balancing gut ph and improving symptoms of diabetes.

These benefits are mainly attributed to the ‘active’ ingredient in apple cider vinegar. This is acetic acid which is formed as part of the fermentation process.

A quality apple cider vinegar contains the ‘mother’. It gives the product a murky appearance which does not mean it has been sitting on the shelf too long! It indicates the presence of good bacteria which is one of the primary benefits of taking it.

We are often asked whether it is better to take apple cider vinegar (ACV) in liquid or capsule form. While we would love to give you a cut and dry answer on this it really comes down to personal preference.

Benefits of taking Apple Cider Vinegar capsules

Capsules are great for those who are on the go. If you travel for work or are going on holidays and don’t want to lug around a large bottle, capsules can be easily transported.

They are also going to suit people who just can’t tolerate the taste but still want to incorporate ACV into their daily regime.

People who find their stomachs or digestive tracts are sensitive to acidic foods might prefer to take a capsule.

Read the label of bottles carefully for capsule dosage recommendations as these can vary from brand to brand. While it is a natural product and safe to take daily, you should not exceed the recommended daily intake.

Benefits of taking Apple Cider Vinegar in liquid form

The liquid form can generally be purchased at a lower price (when calculated at price per dose).

In liquid form, it can be added to the diet in a number of ways. For instance you can use apple cider vinegar as a salad dressing or use it to replace regular vinegar in cooking.

Traces of ‘the mother’ are probably more evident in the liquid. It will look a little murky in the bottle but either way you should be able to read the label of the liquid or capsules. It should indicate whether the mother has been used.

Specialist Advice from our Team

If you take regular medication for any illness or health condition or are unsure if you will benefit from taking apple cider vinegar, we suggest you speak with your WholeLife Pharmacy and Healthfoods Pharmacist. They will be able to recommend the best course of action for your needs.

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