We Ask a Pharmacist Why it is Important to get your Flu Shot in 2023

It’s officially coming into flu season so you know what that means – time for your annual reminder about why getting your flu vaccination is so important. It’s been a tough few years vaccination-wise, with many of us being prodded more times than we’d like to admit. However, don’t let this deter you or make you forget about the importance of the flu shot, not only for yourself, but for those most vulnerable in our communities.

Aylin Ektem, one of our amazing Pharmacists at our Pease St store, has kindly answered all our burning questions below.

 Are there any specific groups of people who should be getting the flu shot? 

So long as there are no contraindications, the flu vaccination should be considered by all adults! Specific groups that need extra protection are First Nations people, those over the age of 65, diabetics, pregnant women, any one in an aged care facility, those with cardiac or respiratory conditions (heart failure, congenital heart disease, coronary artery disease, COPD, asthma), any other chronic condition and those with impaired immunity including malignancy, chronic steroid use and HIV.

 How long before the winter season starts should I book in to get my flu shot? 

The annual influenza vaccination should be had anytime from April onwards to be protected for the peak flu season which usually occurs between the months of June to September each year.

 How long does the effectiveness of the flu shot last after I get it? 

The vaccination takes approximately 2 weeks to become fully effective and following this, your immunity is the strongest at approximately 3-4 months following the injection. The vaccination is done on a yearly basis and should be renewed each year or on a prescription/instruction from your doctor or specialist, sometimes more frequently.

 Should I get the flu shot even if I am up to date with my covid vaccines? 

Yes! This is so crucial given the flu vaccination and the Covid-19 vaccination provide immune coverage for two very different viruses. It’s also safe to have both the influenza and Covid-19 vaccinations co-administered (same time on the same day). Please talk to your pharmacist or doctor if you have any questions with regards to the differences between these vaccines.

 Are there any other additional measures I can take to protect myself further from getting the flu in the coming months? 

There are always lifestyle modifications that can help prevent illness or assist in treating illness. Firstly, it’s always important to maintain hand hygiene – so always wash your hands regularly. Stay at home if you’re sick and avoid close contact with other people. Always try to practice safer hygiene measures like sneezing into your elbow. Other things you can do as a general rule is maintain a healthy and balanced diet, drink plenty of water, do your best to exercise almost every day of the week and try to maintain stress levels by prioritising self-care. You can also take vitamin supplementation such as a daily multivitamin or use immune boosters if you’re caught under the weather! Ask your WholeLife Pharmacist for more advice following this in your local WholeLife Pharmacy and Healthfoods store.

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