
Polio, or poliomyelitis, is a highly infectious viral disease caused by the poliovirus. It primarily affects young children and can lead to paralysis or even death. The virus is spread through person-to-person contact, typically via faecal-oral transmission or less commonly, through contaminated food and water. The introduction of polio vaccines has played a crucial role in reducing the global burden of polio.

The inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) is an injectable vaccine made from killed poliovirus, which induces immunity in the bloodstream, protecting against the development of paralytic polio.

Vaccination against poliovirus is a benefit under the National Immunisation Program (NIP) and is given as part of the series of childhood immunisations, typically at ages 2 months, 4 months, 6 months and then again at 4 years.

The Benefits of Polio Vaccination

  1. Prevention of Polio: The primary benefit of polio vaccination is the prevention of polio infection, which can cause paralysis and even death, particularly in children.
  2. Global Eradication Efforts: Polio vaccination campaigns have significantly reduced the global incidence of polio, bringing the world closer to the goal of eradicating the disease entirely.
  3. Herd Immunity: High vaccination coverage within communities creates herd immunity, protecting individuals who cannot be vaccinated, such as those with weakened immune systems.
  4. Safe and Effective: Polio vaccines are safe and highly effective at preventing polio. The vaccines have been used for decades and have undergone rigorous testing for safety and efficacy.

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Who should receive the polio vaccine?

The polio vaccine is recommended for all children as part of routine immunisation schedules. It is typically given in multiple doses starting in infancy.

Are there any side effects of the polio vaccine?

Side effects are generally mild and uncommon with soreness at the injection site reported most commonly.

Is the polio vaccine safe?

Yes, the vaccine is generally considered safe and has undergone extensive testing for safety and efficacy.

Can adults receive the polio vaccine?

While polio vaccination is primarily administered to children, adults travelling to areas where polio is still endemic or at risk of exposure may receive a booster dose of the vaccine.

How long does immunity from the polio vaccine last?

Immunity from the polio vaccine is long-lasting, often providing lifelong protection after completion of the recommended vaccine series. Booster doses may be given in certain circumstances, such as travel to high-risk areas.