Medication Packs & Dose Administration Aids

What are Medication Packs or Dose Administration Aids?

Dose administration aids may come in the form of labelled plastic casing or a special form of blister packaging that allows our pharmacists to package your medication according to when it should be taken.

Why you might need Dose Administration Aids…

If you have been prescribed multiple medications that need to be taken on different days of the week or at different times of the day, or if you have trouble remembering to take your medication, you might benefit from our Dose Administration Aids service. It can also provide peace of mind for those caring for elderly relatives or people likely to forget/lose track of their medication.

Essentially, a Dose Administration Aid makes taking prescribed medication as simple as possible!

Speak to your local WholeLife Pharmacy & Healthfoods store to find out whether they offer this service. 

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