What we can do for you…
Some WholeLife Pharmacy & Healthfoods stores offer Home Medication Delivery Services. This service can be of great benefit in times of injury or illness. Please speak to your local WholeLife Pharmacy about whether they deliver to your area and on what days the service is offered. It is a good idea to plan to ensure you receive your medication when you need it.
How it works…
Call your local WholeLife Pharmacy, place your order over the phone, and it will be delivered to your home! For an even more streamlined process, take advantage of technology by ordering online via the WholeLife MedAdvisor app. Please note that you have to arrange account activation with your pharmacist before being able to place online orders via the App.
WholeLife Pharmacy & Healthfoods also offers an online store for many items in our range. For stores that offer delivery, you can select “Local Delivery” as an option when you check out.