Absence from work certificate

What do you need it for?

Under the Fair Work Act 2009, employees can be required by their employer to provide a certificate to verify an absence from work due to illness or injury of the employee themselves, or a member of the employee’s immediate family or household if you are the carer.

So if you are unwell or caring for someone unwell, you may need to obtain an Absence from Work Certificate.   Your WholeLife pharmacist can do this.

Keep note:

  • If you are the carer for someone who is unwell and requires a certificate, the person who is unwell must also attend the consultation
  • This applies only to illnesses or injuries that your pharmacist is qualified to assess
  • Book an appointment by clicking the link below
  • There is a fee associated with this service and it may vary from store to store
  • Certificates are issued at the pharmacist’s discretion
  • This service is not offered in all stores. Call the store if you are unsure or have any questions.

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