Contraception Consultation

This service varies by state.

In Queensland, your WholeLife pharmacist may be able to offer women a hormonal contraceptive service to initiate birth control or to renew or adapt your existing birth control through a Pilot developed by the Queensland Government. Book an appointment with your WholeLife pharmacist by clicking the link below for a consultation on contraceptive options and to develop a plan that works for you.

In Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia, there are also Government-initiated oral contraceptive pilots running, whereby your WholeLife pharmacist may be able to renew your existing oral contraceptive (“the pill”) prescription. Click the link below to find your nearest WholeLife Pharmacy & Healthfoods or to book a consultation with our pharmacist.

Click the link below to find your nearest WholeLife Pharmacy & Healthfoods or to book a consultation with our pharmacist.

Book here


WholeLife Pharmacy & Healthfoods offers a comprehensive vaccination service.

Please contact your local WholeLife to book this vaccine.