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Brands That Support Indigenous Communities

Brands That Support Indigenous Communities | WholeLife Pharmacy & Healthfoods

Each year, NAIDOC Week comes as a welcome reminder to all Australians about the necessity of continued support to First Nations people, whose people and remote communities are still some of the most disadvantaged and marginalised in Australia today.

It’s one thing to be an ally to first Nation’s People, but even better to be an ally and  a supporter. That’s why we’re wanting to call out some brands you can find at WholeLife that consciously choose to give back and support Indigenous communities, not just during NAIDOC week or when the spotlight shines a light on it, but year-round.

We love brands that exist with a purpose here at WholeLife and trust us ­­­– we range soo many of them! Here are just a few brands that give back to Indigenous peoples and communities in Australia that you should support during NAIDOC Week.

Brands That Support Indigenous Communities

Rare Earth Oils

Beginning as a small social enterprise from Far North Queensland in 2011, Rare Earth Oils produces 100% organic, wild harvested essential oils and natural beauty products with an emphasis on native Australian ingredients. All profits go to support the Rare Earth Foundation, a charity set up by the founders of Rare Earth Oils. The Rare Earth Foundation works with family groups, schools, and social groups to deliver programs with a focus on Indigenous youth empowerment and the preservation of cultural heritage.

You can read more about the Rare Earth foundation here.


Roogenic are an Australian family owned business and leading supplier of Australian bush teas, spices and infused honey that are all made in Australia. Their mission is to embrace Australian culture and share with the world the amazing benefits and uses of Native Australian plants.

Roogenic describe themselves as “a health-conscious bunch with a passion for bush tucker and the great outback” and strive to make native food more accessible to the everyday Aussie. They have an Indigenous Support Policy, with a goal of making a difference in Indigenous communities across Australia by choosing to deal with more and more Indigenous suppliers each year. They’ve also been involved in multiple community projects throughout the years aimed at empowering Indigenous communities.

You can read more about their community contributions and programs here.

ROHR Remedy

Natural skincare with Australian medicinal botanicals is ROHR Remedy’s main game, and they do it well! ROHR Remedy are an all-natural skincare brand with products for all skin types and concerns. Their ingredients are wild harvested, meaning that there are no major farms or plantations that they source their raw ingredients from, meaning that the lands are not over-worked and destroyed. They work with Indigenous landowners and elders to ensure that their wild harvesting is done with sustainable and ethical practices at the forefront of importance.

The company was founded thanks to the shared knowledge and skills of the Yulparitja women and men, who live near Broome in Western Australia. ROHR Remedy continue to support Indigenous communities by collaborating with different Indigenous communities and farmers who share their passion for sustainable, ethical, and organic ingredients.

You can read more about how the Yulparitja women and men helped ROHR Remedy here.

Nutra Organics

Nutra Organics are an Australian-founded wholefoods company who have been providing us with ethical and organic nutrition for over 20 years. Throughout that time, they initiated Project Give Back which is their ongoing commitment to helping our environment and communities. Since 2019, Nutra Organics have funded multiple programs including the donation of $30,000 to Bridging the Gap Foundation which provides health education to Indigenous Communities.

You can read more about their other Project Give Back initiatives here.

If you enjoyed this post, click here to read our post on why shopping native and local is important.

Feature image via ROHR Remedy.

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