A Healthy Festive Season: 5 Tips from a WholeLife Nutritionist

Christmas is a time for celebration—to enjoy friends and family, and to reflect on the good things in life.

It’s also a time when food and drinks are at the centre of many of our gatherings and here at WholeLife Pharmacy and Healthfoods, we believe you can enjoy the festive season to the fullest, without compromising your health. Check out our nutritionist, Jacqui’s, top tips for relishing in the next few months of celebrations.

Plan your menu to satisfy your tastebuds AND your tummy!

It’s common to think we’re pleasing our tummies when we eat something that tastes great, when in fact we’re not thinking about how we’ll feel once it’s left our mouths!

Healthy food options can taste just as good as their not-so-healthy counterparts, but often they require more forward-planning.

Think about where could you incorporate more fresh fruits and veggies, to make sure you’re keeping up your intake of fibre and antioxidants. How could you balance out the processed treats with wholefoods? For more healthy Christmas inspiration, check out our WholeLife Christmas Recipe Collection.

Be mindful during the chaos

The Christmas season can often be a whirlwind of catch-ups, social obligations and work deadlines which can leave us too mentally clouded to make healthy choices.

By prioritising mindful eating, we’re less likely to grab the first Christmas treat shoved under our noses and while this is okay from time-to-time, it’s important to remain conscious of over-indulging. Listening to your body, prioritising nourishment, and eating thoughtfully can help us to stay healthy and satisfied throughout the season, and to avoid overeating.

Stay within healthy alcohol drinking guidelines

It’s not called the silly season for nothing…

For better or worse, alcohol is a huge part of Australian culture and the way we celebrate, and no other time of year makes this more obvious than Christmas. To minimise alcohol related harm, it’s advisable to stay below four standard drinks on any one session, or 10 drinks in a week. This doesn’t mean we can’t have fun. There are lots of delicious mocktail options now available to keep the festive spirit alive while protecting your liver. Incorporating a glass of water in between each alcoholic beverage is also a good way to make sure you stay hydrated and reduce overall alcohol intake.

Give our mocktail recipes a go, or try StrangeLove’s delicious range of low-calorie, all-natural sodas, or Mellows’ calming sparkling waters.

Make moving fun

Exercise is important all year round, but sometimes when our routines change, our healthy movement habits can get a little neglected.

Plan out some family activities that involve getting outside and enjoying the sunshine, so that everyone gets some exercise in. Research local walks or gardens, parks, and beaches to visit near you, and plan an afternoon activity after your Christmas lunch to keep everyone up and active!

Make time for rest 

The festive season is fun, but it can be draining! Social engagements can leave our social batteries running low, some of us will have the kids at home during school holidays, and it’s common to find this time of year emotional and, at times, overwhelming.

It’s incredibly important to maintain good sleep hygiene throughout the period and to intentionally practice self-care.

Remember that self-care looks different for everyone; for you, perhaps it means stepping away from the kids for an afternoon, taking a bath, getting out into nature, reading a book, or speaking to a family member on the phone. Regardless of how you work it into your routine, we encourage you to prioritise it so you can enjoy your Christmas holidays and get the utmost value out of your social activities.


Above everything, we want you to enjoy Christmas! Check-in with yourself frequently to assess how you’re feeling and remember to prioritise your own needs so you can show up for yourself, and your loved ones.

WholeLife Healthfoods and Pharmacy wishes everyone a very happy and healthy Christmas!




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